Design for print

Despite regular claims to the contrary, the death of printed literature in favour of digital communications has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, providing your audience with ‘hard’ evidence of who you are, what you do, and why you do it so well, is more important than ever.

That’s because print offers a different experience for your audience. It’s something they can sit back to read - not lean forward as with a computer screen. It’s tactile, warm and real - and more personal than pixels. It’s also less complicated than a website and can tell a story in a more natural, logical and linear way. In effect, you have more control over how your audience absorbs information.

The truth is, whatever you do and whoever your audience, your communications are likely to need a mix of both print and digital. At Generator we’re here to help you get the balance right and ensure all your communications work together and support each other.

Have a look at some of Generator’s literature projects.

Services for agencies